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March Zoom Meeting

7 p.m. on ZOOM

Meeting ID: 835 8894 0649
Passcode: 064239

Special Speaker: Alysha Evans, the manager of the Whatcom Humane Society Wildlife Rehabilitation Center will speak on “Getting to Know Our Neighbors.” She is a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, as well as a licensed veterinary technician. She will take questions about our local wildlife after her presentation.

Also for March: Board of Directors. Brooks, after considerable deliberation, enthusiastically asks to serve another year as Board President with the support of Vince as vice-president, Lisa as secretary and Janet as treasurer. Jan D. has agreed to continue on the Board as a member at large. Fired up and ready to go. If there are others who would like to serve as a Board officer please say so.

February 3

February Zoom Meeting

March 27

33rd Annual Fairhaven Plant & Tree Sale