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February Zoom Meeting

Fairhaven Neighbors’ Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, Feb 3, 7 pm

Zoom Meeting ID: 876 6913 0260

Passcode: 112009

Special topic: Fairhaven Neighbors Board member Jan Dietzgen will tell us about Amnesty International and its relevance to our neighborhood and County. Jan will give an update on the activities of the local amnesty organization Local 270 and will discuss the "Welcome Refugee Resolution" that the Local Amnesty 270 presented to the Whatcom

County Council and the Bellingham City Immigration Advisory Board.

Consider joining the Board!

Nominations are now open for Board members for 2021. Current Board members and other interested neighbors are encouraged to consider service on our neighborhood Board. You can self nominate or nominate someone else. Send nominations to Laura Smith Clawson, or


January 6

January Zoom Meeting

March 3

March Zoom Meeting