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33rd Annual Fairhaven Plant & Tree Sale

Please note that the March 27, 2021 Fairhaven Plant and Tree Sale has been canceled due to the ongoing pandemic. Please check out the Facebook “Fairhaven Plant and Tree Sale” page for updates on vendor news so you can continue to support local growers. For more information, contact

Fairhaven Plant and Tree Sale Extravaganza!

For more than 30 years, Fairhaven Neighbors has been pleased to sponsor the annual Fairhaven Plant and Tree Sale Extravaganza on the last Saturday of March. This event directly supports local and regional growers, and is Fairhaven Neighbors’ annual fundraiser. Fairhaven Neighbors also shares up to half of its portion of the proceeds with local community non-profits.

How the plant sale works: Vendors pay a registration fee and graciously donate 15% of their sales to the “Fairhaven Neighbors” neighborhood association, who in turn use funds for neighborhood events/projects and to support other local non-profits. The 32nd Annual Fairhaven Plant and Tree Sale was canceled due to COVID-19.

Mark Your Calendar for the 33rd Annual Fairhaven Plant and Tree Sale on **Canceled** Saturday, March 27, 2021 ** Canceled**

If you would like to learn about becoming a vendor for next year, please contact Lisa at: or by calling 360-220-4747. Nursery retail and wholesalers, as well as garden art and gift vendors are welcome to inquire.

For more information, including photos of previous events, please visit

March 3

March Zoom Meeting

April 7

April Zoom Meeting