Fairhaven Neighbors' April ZOOM MEETING
Wednesday, April 7 @ 7 PM
Meeting ID: 812 9051 4739
Passcode: 002453
Meeting topics:
Reminder of Saturday, April 24 work party (meet at 10th & Donovan) Donovan to remove invasive plants on Padden Creek trail. Any other neighbor announcements? If so, please contact Brooks Anderson to get on agenda.
Discussion on proposed development of 801 Donovan Ave. (Notice is posted on our bulletin board at 10th and Donovan.) If you choose to comment, send to Steve Sundin, Senior Planner ssundin@cob.org or 360 778-8359.
Will we make application for a neighborhood Small and Simple Grant? We have received one proposal for a speed table on 4th Street. Any other great ideas?
Board reports
Spring Outlook: Social time and discussion/sharing on Covid- 19 vaccines, gardening, now that Spring has brought us new possibilities.
🌷Many thanks to Janet Simpson, our board treasurer, for hosting at her cost, Fairhaven Neighbors’ Zoom meetings.