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SPECIAL July Meeting

Special Fairhaven Neighbors Zoom Meeting

Wednesday July 14
7 pm
Meeting ID: 886 8933 1507
Passcode: 473633

Single topic only: Parking & Street Improvements at 801 Donovan 4 Plex Proposed Development
As a special meeting this is the only topic for this meeting.
Eric Johnston, Public Works Director and Steve Sundin, Senior Planner, Planning Department, will attend to provide additional information and answer questions. They will answer questions about the code and policies, not questions about construction and this particular applicant.

These are the prepared questions from voting members of Fairhaven Neighbors. If time allows, questions from non-voting members of Fairhaven Neighbors can be asked. You are a voting member if you have attended two Fairhaven Neighbors meetings in the last twelve months including the current meeting and filled out a membership application form. These are our prepared questions:

1. I have been told that the only time public comment is accepted is at design review. At design review there is not much specificity in many areas. Many aspects are revised and changed. With all the changes that evolve after design review, neighbors need time to make comments before all of those changes are approved. Is there a code that states that public comment will not be counted after design review or is it just your practice? -Janet Simpson

2. The 3/4 standard street improvements required per city code are in the best interest of the neighborhood because they provide much-needed street parking. How would modifications to this requirement, which would provide less street parking than the 3/4 standard, be of equal value in serving the best interests of the neighborhood? - Alex Zecha

3. There is a great deal of concern about how stormwater management of this property will have a negative affect on the health of Padden Creek. What will be done to maximize protection for Padden Creek? -Jan Adams

4. Will the 8th Street improvements be centered on the center line marker on Donovan and 8th Street? -Jan Dietzgen

5. Does the city right of way on north Donovan make it feasible to have diagonal on-street parking the length of 801 Donovan in order to maximize the number of parking spaces? If not, how many parallel parking spaces will be possible? -Joe Dietzgen

6. I have surveyed the current available on-street and off-street parking on Donovan from 10th Street to 7th Street for accurate information. How many parking spaces will the development of 801 Donovan create on Donovan and 8th Street and off the alley? -Bill Liddicoet

7. A person attending a neighborhood meeting made a comment that the requirement for curbs, gutters and sidewalks was out of character for
the neighborhood. The neighborhood association has not taken a formal position on this. However people in planning and public works are suggesting this has provided basis for the developer to request a modification to the 3/4 standard street improvement. Do you place more value on an
organizational position than an individual position? - Vince Biciunas

Questions by other attendees if time allows.

The Zoom link to attend this special meeting.

Topic: Fairhaven Neighbors Special Meeting
Time: Wed., Jul 14, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 886 8933 1507
Passcode: 473633

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Brooks Anderson, President Fairhaven Neighbors

June 2

June Zoom Meeting

August 4

August Monthly Meeting - Zoom