CANCELED. The Fairhaven Neighbors association will host its annual garden picnic at the Fairhaven Community Garden which is located at 10th & Wilson Ave. from 5 - 7 p.m., Sunday, August 29.
This year’s picnic will be greatly simplified due to the pandemic. This year is NOT a potluck; neighbors are invited to bring their own picnic (BYOTO) or take-out and relax with others on the Fairhaven Community Garden grounds. We’ll also have the City’s party trailer, with limited seating and games.
The “Fairhaven Neighbors” neighborhood association will provide cupcakes/dessert and cold drinks (while supplies last). Neighbors should bring their own picnic dinners/takeout, and they may also want to bring a blanket or chairs as table seating will be limited. A handwashing station and hand sanitizer will be available.
We’ll also have music playing (maybe some live), fun, and games.
Please leave your wonderful pets at home.
Most importantly, please keep yourself and your neighbors safe. Physical distance and wear a mask as appropriate.