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November Board Meeting

Fairhaven Neighbors’ Monthly Meeting

7 pm ZOOM (sign in and password below)

Agenda: After Welcome by Brooks, Janet will remind us of a few ground rules to help our Zoom meetings run smoothly.

Our connecting focus in the November meeting will be on giving thanks. Brooks will invite each attendee to make a brief statement of an aspect of our neighborhood for which they are thankful.

Old Business: “Engage Bellingham” is part of the City website to help keep citizens informed about some of the major projects that the City is proceeding with, as well as a way for you to participate and comment upon. One of those projects is the Multiple Residential project that was mentioned at our last meeting, a project which will have a major impact on all of Bellingham including Fairhaven. Go to for an amazing amount of information and videos of the October 8 virtual open house.

New Business: Notice of Public Hearing for the Bellingham Planning Committee concerning five requests to docket amendment to the 2016 Comprehensive Plan for review in 2020-2021. There is one proposal that includes a rezone request in Area 1 of the Fairhaven Neighborhood from Industrial 2 to a Commercial Core designation. The meeting is November 19 and the materials will be available at approximately 2 weeks in advance. Staff contact is Moshe Quinn at 3607788354 or

Janet Simpson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Time: Wednesday Nov 4, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting ID: 841 1661 3576

Passcode: 196582

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Meeting ID: 841 1661 3576

Passcode: 196582

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October 7

October Board Meeting

December 2

December Zoom Meeting