Fairhaven Neighbors' Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
7 p.m. on Zoom*
Meeting Agenda, Announcements & Invites
Small & Simple Grant Application - Tree Planting. Per new rules, plantings will be done on private land; FN estimates planting 15-20 trees. Volunteers are needed to help identify and secure approval from homeowners and Whatcom Million Trees Project (WMTP) has offered to provide expertise & volunteers for planting parties
Flower Pot Replacement at the bulletin board at 10th & Donovan (thanks to Brooks A and Sue B!)
City of Bellingham Hundred Acre Wood Work Party from 1 - 3 p.m., Saturday. June 22 Register @ https://cob.org/.../volunteer-opportunity-community-work...
Neighborhood Ivy Removal/Cleanup: WMTP has offered to help FN coordinate ivy cleanup in the neighborhood, as well as coordinate with Parks Dept. to establish work parties in Padden Creek watershed. A FN volunteer is needed to spearhead this effort
Fairhaven Neighbors' Summer Garden Party/Potluck is scheduled for 4 - 7 p.m., Sunday, August 18 at the Fairhaven Community Garden. If you'd like to help organize, please attend the planning meeting at 2 p.m., Saturday, July 13 at the garden located at 10th & Wilson.
Policy Review: Two subcommittees will be appointed to review policies and make recommendations to the Board on Communications, including: Vertical Response, Facebook, FN website, Bulletin Board, & block stewards; also our Donations policies, including, but not limited to, the distribution of proceeds from the Fairhaven Plant & Tree Sale
On May 20, 2024, the Bellingham City Council enacted an Emergency Landmark Tree Ordinance, an interim measure to prevent the removal of exceptional trees in anticipation of new regulations, This ordinance took effect immediately: it protects what are considered to be “landmark trees” – the largest, most significant trees in Bellingham. It establishes a landmark tree inventory; a permitting process for their removal; and establishes a larger fine for illegal removal. Any healthy tree 36" or greater in diameter is automatically included in the landmark tree inventory, with the exception of black cottonwoods, which are automatically excluded. If you know of a tree that meets these criteria, click on the link above to learn how to nominate it for inclusion in landmark tree inventory.
TO RECEIVE THE ZOOM LINK to attend this meeting, please send your email request by Noon, Wednesday, June 5 to FairhavenNeighborsConnect@gmail.com