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Fairhaven Neighbors' Monthly Meeting - January

Happy New Year, Neighbors!

Fairhaven Neighbors' Monthly Meeting on Zoom

7 pm, Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Zoom Meeting ID: 838 8187 2496

Zoom Passcode: 699392

Main Topic: Permitting process and construction of an 80' sidewalk at the new development at 801 Donovan Ave. Note: if you are interested in more background on this topic, please email to request the letter written by Jennifer and Tom Dolese and City Planner Steve Sundin's response on why the permit includes an 80’ long sidewalk fronting 801 Donovan. Questions will be taken from attendees regarding the permitting process as time allows.

Also on the agenda:

  • 2022 Fairhaven Plant and Tree Sale? (Lisa Heisey & FN board)

  • Status of our blue herons (Jamie Donaldson)


We will be having Board elections in the next few months. Please consider being more involved and possibly serving on our neighborhood board. If you would consider being of service to our neighborhood as a Board member, please email Brooks for more information at: or

You are a member of Fairhaven Neighbors if you live, work or own property in Fairhaven.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 838 8187 2496

Passcode: 699392

November 3

Fairhaven Neighbors' Monthly Meeting - November

February 2

Fairhaven Neighbors Monthly Meeting - February