Fairhaven Neighbors' Monthly Meeting on Zoom
Wednesday, April 6 7 pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 871 7093 8569
Passcode: 539263
Special guest: Blake Lyon, City of Bellingham Planning and Development Director will be a part of the discussion along with ad-hoc committee of neighbors looking at sidewalks and pedestrian safety, and longer term, the 2012 Fairhaven Neighborhood & Urban Village Plan.
The agenda also includes the Fairhaven Community Garden, a recap of the plant sale, and board reports.
You are a member of Fairhaven Neighbors if you live, work, or own property in Fairhaven. To be a voting member of Fairhaven Neighbors, you must fill out an information form by emailing your request to: FairhavenNeighborsConnect@gmail.com -- and have attended at least two of our monthly meetings within the year.
Time: Apr 6, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 871 7093 8569
Passcode: 539263
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