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Fairhaven Neighbors’ Monthly Meeting - Sept 2022

Fairhaven Neighbors’ Monthly Meeting - Sept 2022 on ZOOM

7:00-7:05 Welcome to everyone. This meeting is devoted to building on the progress we have made about our neighborhood plan and continuing to work together to preserve, protect, and enhance our neighborhood as stated as our purpose in our by-laws.

7:05- 7:15 Comments acknowledging our successful Ice cream social with special tribute to the Fairhaven Community Gardens 30 anniversary. Brooks, Lisa, Vince and other neighbors.

7:15-7:20 Reports  Secretary - Lisa, MNAC Bill, Janet Treasurer

7:20-7:50 Discussion and next steps to build on our neighborhood plan update.

The Board’s statement of April 20, 2022 to the city requesting a written response. - Brooks

Using the parallel topics in our April 20 Board statement to the City that Public Works repeats in their Transportation Report to the Public Works City Council Committee on August 29th. - Paul

Assess what we can build on from the  updates of the Pedestrian and Bicycle update. - Bill.

Work to align neighborhood plan with municipal code. -Alex

Are there other ways we can utilize the transportation report information for our neighborhood improvement such as traffic calming at the intersections of Hawthorne, Cowgill and 10th Street, 4th Street at trail crossing, and 6th and Donovan. Are these places for the yellow blinking lights? Placement of neighborhood signage, more green planting in public right a ways, rain gardens? Contact Jennifer Dolese who is chairing neighborhood signage. Is this work for the revival of our ad hoc committee? Other ideas? -Bill

The 801 Donovan amended permit  has been settled in writing for 801 Donovan. It includes no sidewalk on Donovan. Letter from Moceri informing affected neighbors of parking restrictions starting September 19.

7:50-8:00 Old Business & New Business

Time: Sep 7, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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August 28

Ice Cream Social: Celebrating 30 Years of the Fairhaven Community Garden

October 5

Fairhaven Neighbors' Monthly Meeting - October